One platform,
from idea to product
Create products 10x faster, cheaper, more loved 🤍

Bring everything into one digital studio
With our seamless integrations to Miro, Google, Figma, and 100+ others, you can capture and work from idea to product, block by block.
Paste or drop in your files
Images, links, videos, or docs. (even 3D models!)
Centralize your feedback and stay on track
Get feedback from designers, engineers, clients and fabricators on any design asset including images, 3D models, videos, and links. We’ve included features to help you get organized and stay on track!

Create with Naya’s AI
Save time and reduce steps by creating new concepts and 3D models using your existing design assets. Generate insights into manufacturing, sustainability, estimation, and much more.

Every journey you’ve ever worked on,
in one digital studio
You can build off past projects and leverage insights from your existing body of work while shaping new designs and design journeys, all in one place.
From big to boutique, brands that found their creative home at Naya

 isis aa platformplatform forfor productproduct leadersleaders whowho areare committedcommitted toto creatingcreating productsproducts that that areare moremore inclusive,inclusive, thoughtful,thoughtful, andand sustainable.sustainable. CreatorsCreators whowho believebelieve inin co:creation,co:creation, belonging,belonging, and and equityequity asas fiercelyfiercely asas theythey valuevalue thethe powerpower ofof AIAI ProductProduct ownersowners whowho showshow thethe roughrough work,work, the the messymessy middle,middle, andand whowho buildbuild forfor everyoneeveryone includingincluding thethe voicesvoices thatthat areare notnot heard.heard. ForFor theythey know,know, great great ideasideas maymay comecome fromfrom wherewhere wewe leastleast expect.expect.